
Bro Park 30. oktober


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V64Forslag Basert På Analyse
V64-12-4 / 1 / 6-7
V64-21-6 / 7-2 / 3-4-5
V64-34-1 / 7 / 5 / 6
V64-45 / 4 / 3 / 2-1
Pris — kr.
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V64-16-Falkor is not a Mile specialist and judging from the quality it showed last time, it looks like a 3rd place at best.
1-Thunder Mack wasn’t fast enough from the start. Carlos either blundered or didn’t want to contest. Looked to have more potential than 6-Falkor. This race is worth more money and the apprentice should get instructions to go all out from the start, at most 2nd position along the rail.
2-Running Rolf and 4-Plantstepsdream should be the ones to beat in this race. With 1-Thunder Mack as the first outsider.
V64-2The good horses all come out heavy with the exception of 2-Golders Green. That’s a huge advantage. In my eyes, it should be the horse to beat. It usually struggles on soft or loose surfaces, but the dirt track on Bro Park has so far been pretty compact and fast. The horse is still young. But nothing points to it being a safe bet. We also have to remember this horse is unreliable. After watching it lose to Sweet Home Alabama this year, things point to 3-Mindbender being vastly better, who was second in that same race, and cantered past a Nitro Boosted 2-Golders Green. Which in conclusion indicates… both are not good enough instead of both being good enough, concluded logically, from both horses previous results on 1.600 m dirt.
As for the best horse, it should be between 1-Menina and 6-Movere. Both have dirt pedigrees for longer distances. They should finish strongly over this distance. Weight distribution unfortunately makes it very, very even.
7-Moloch Sacc has improved lately, so should be the outsider.
V64-3As I see it, there are four possible winners. 1-Ninasimon, 4-Jungle Vibes, 5-Swing For The Fence and, 7-Bearthanks. I don’t see 6-Parlour winning, as, despite having high class siblings, none of them won on dirt early in their career. Horse is still also green.
The horse that looks most like the winner is 4-Jungle Vibes, and the handicap shows it. Close behind is 1-Ninasimone, that should run well on dirt, with 7-Bearthanks as the scary outsider that has met some of the better 2-year-old horses on dirt, which sadly for this race, should turn out to be a stayer!
As for 5-Swing For The Fence? It hasn’t met class horses yet. So it should not win from beating a so-so horse by 1 length.

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